The border crossing to Mauritania was a bizarre facinating frustrating all day event.
We arrived before noon and so it starts...
The routine is to visit the police so they can check you're not a wanted man, then customs to get an exit permission for your car, then the gendarmerie as a final release from, the country. After that it's into no-mans land. This is a 3km stretch between border posts with no road or obvious track, just some raggedy kids offering to guide you for a few quid. Needless to say I declined their help, raced into the inknown and promptly got stuck in the sand. Luckilmy Helen was able to push us clear. The Mauritanian side was much the same routine with communication a mix of schoolboy French and broken English. Anyway, having been nice to all the appropriate officials we went about our day, and it was only 5pm and not yet dark.
10 days and you have not killed each other yet! That has to be a good thing; although I have not seen Robert in a photo for a while……
I am at the same time both very glad and incredibly jealous to be sat at my desk reading about your exploits. Sounds like you are having a grand adventure.
Brief local news update:
Saffers beat Scotland – no surprise
Aussies beat England – bigger no surprise
Kiwis beat Irish – biggest no surprise
India beat England – running out of surprises
Norwich is 19th in the log after losing to Swansea - don’t know if I’m surprised or not
Chelsea out of the Carlin cup (knocked out by Burnley – big surprise - but they still top of the table – unfortunately not surprised
Pound down and rand up - bad time to surprise the family
Unemployment up but Brown’s popularity still improving……really surprised
“I am a celebrity….” started again – terrible surprise
Have fun and hurry home – drinks on me.
""... border crossing to Mauritania was a bizarre facinating frustrating all day event..."" Cool!
Then you should try crossing the border between Lybia and Niger, took us nine days in 2006 ;-)
We appreciate you blog very much, so we can virtually make the trip in your backseat :-)
Succes and have fun!!!
Peter-Ria TT06
Je suis plutôt magnifique - oui !
42???? are you sure???
Do you loose a few years by travelling in the desert?
Sounds great. Keep on trucking dude!
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